The Liturgy, then, is common worship, concorporate worship,
worship in one mind and with one heart, and with one mouth.
- Dorothy Day
Liturgies at Holy Spirit follow the general order
of the Mass in the Latin Rite with additional times for silent meditation,
prayer and reflection - these may relate to or be inspired by current events or other
faith and spiritual practices. The Liturgy of the Word is read from an Inclusive Language Lectionary,
Eucharistic Ministers participate in the distribution of Communion of both species,
and the songs & prayers celebrate God's presence among and within us
affirming that we are individual expressions of God's
love and light in the world!
View a previous bulletin.
We look forward to your attendance
and extending a personal "welcome"!
Communion Blessing
by Christopher Peters
The table of bread and wine is now ready.
It is the table of company with Jesus
And with all those who love him.
It is the table of sharing with the poor of the world,
With whom Jesus identified himself
So, come to this table,
You who have much faith
And you who would like to have more;
You who have been to this table often,
And you who have not been for a long time;
You who have tried to follow Jesus,
And you who have failed.
Come. It is Christ
who invites us to meet him here.